In the first map we had to chose an area where in Layer 4 it had the spike range of 12 and 18. I noticed that in Layer 4 the area that had the change was the water. So I chose an image of the water for Feature 1.
For my second map they lab wanted us to identify a feature that both represented a small spike value in Layer 1-4, but a large spike pixel value in Layers 5 and 6. In the map I chose to show the mountain range for in Layers 1-4 the features were bright, and in Layers 5-6 the features were dark.
Map three shows the image of an area of water that in Layer 1-3 was brighter than normal, but in Layer 4 become somewhat brighter, and in Layers 5-6 remain unchanged. In the map I chose to show an image of Lake Tapps for my 3rd feature.