Thursday, February 23, 2017


In this weeks lab we were able to learn how to download specific DRG, and aerial images from such web based sites like, Once the files were downloaded we were able to manipulate what reference properties in which projected the images on to the map. We also learned how to turn GSP degree coordinates into decimals which in turn can be used as data, and then be used to locate things in the map. The map shown below is a map showing the petroleum storage locations in Walnut Hill in Escambia County. The dots signify the location of the storage tanks.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

WK5 Projecitons Prt1

 In this week’s episode we learned various things like geodesy, datums, ellipsoids, coordinate systems all of which assist you in georeferencing and projections. In the lab we were given three types of coordinate systems to work with.
The map I created shows the counties of Florida, within the map there are selected counties that were highlighted for the lab. Each map referenced a different coordinate system. The legends incorporated in each map shows the selected counties and their names. The chart below the maps indicate the Square mileage of each selected county and shows the differences in data from each system.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


   On cold days like this, there is nothing that keeps me warm besides a nice Lab from GIS. This week we learned how to create map packages, create maps for the web, and created a KML file to share in google earth.
  At first I found creating the data for the map package the most troublesome. I had problems getting my text file to load up into ArcGIS Online to get the geocode for my map package. After the geocode was created we were able to bring the shape file into ArcMap.
  The map shown to the right is an actual web map that I created using the data that was created by map packaging, in the map I used the ArcOnline data to add the " World Street Map" layer. The map shows buildings that signify the town halls of the top 10 cities in Massachusetts.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

GIS Cartography WK3

    As we map our way to finishing another lab, the road and rivers of GIS leads us closer to our destinaiton. In this weeks lab we were able to create, and alter  symbology of maps. We were able to view ArcCatalog, and learn how to view ArcCatalog in ArcGIS.
We also got to mess around with the different gratical color contrast, vector data files, and learned how to change dynamic text.
   In my first map it just shows the cities of Mexico and their populations, the colors signify the population of each city. The lighter the color the less people to inhibit that area.

In the second map we were able to select which urban areas of Mexico that have a population of a million people or more. Within this map we are able to show major and primary rivers, roads, and rails that circulate through Mexico. We also placed an inset map of Mexico highlighting the area focus on the main map. I chose to use the lighter colors for the roads, rivers, and rails because when I chose the darker colors the map appeared to be to cluttered, The fonts and the urban area were not able to stand out when the darker colors were used to generate the map
In the 3rd map we indicated the diferent elevations of Mexico. I chose to use this color combination because to me, the lower the elevation the warmer the temperature and red signifies hot. The blue areas are the elevations that are higher,and the higher the elevation the colder the temperature, and blue usually indicates cold. The inset map has a map of the globe but it indicates that the area of focus is Mexico.